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My Service

Mission Statement

NQ Enable aims to enable and empower a person with disabilities journey towards living their chosen good life.

NQ Enable as a sole trader provides a personalised experience to people with disabilities who access supports through NDIS funding. â€‹

NQ Enable values and respects the Rights, Responsibilities and Aspirations of people with disabilities, while enabling participation and inclusion in the community of their choice.

Terms and conditions 

Terms and Conditions are provided to Participants before receiving NQ Enable services. 

The contents of Terms and Conditions may change over time. Participants will be notified of the change.


Service Description

What is Support Coordination

Support Coordination: Assistance to strengthen Participant’s abilities to connect to and coordinate informal, mainstream and funded supports in a complex service delivery environment. This includes resolving points of crisis, developing capacity and resilience in a Participants network and coordinating supports from a range of services.


It is the NDIA preference that the Coordinator of Supports is not the same service that delivers any other funded supports in a Participant’s plan; however, this condition may be waived in certain circumstances. The utilisation of First Plans means the initial support coordinator may be employed by the same provider organisation that is delivering other supports.

Any potential conflict of interest must be managed by NQ Enable and will be monitored by the NDIA.


Privacy, Dignity & Confidentiality

NQ Enable respects the privacy, dignity and confidentiality of all people including the people who use the Service and is committed to safeguarding the personal information that is provided. NQ Enable adheres to the Australian Privacy Principles (APP).

  • NQ Enable will only collect and release information about a Participant with consent from the Participant and/or their Representative/Nominee, except in specified circumstances including emergencies or as required or permitted by law.

  • NQ Enable collects information from Participants relevant to service delivery to ensure the highest quality of service provision. Information regarding staff members is collected for employment purposes. Information from volunteers is collected relevant to their role.

  • NQ Enable will respect and protect the dignity and right to privacy of all Participants, staff members. and volunteers.


NQ Enable will treat Participants with dignity and respect. I will actively engage to protect your right to privacy and dignity of each Participant.

NQ Enable believes everyone has a right to express their culture and identity as they see fit. I support the First Nations people of this land and the LGBTQI+ community.



NQ Enable will endeavour as far as practicably possible to advise each Participant of its confidentiality policy using a language, mode of communication and terms that the Participant is most likely to understand.

Breaches of confidentiality by NQ Enable will be dealt with in accordance with Professional Code of Conduct.




NQ Enable acknowledges that all people who have a disability have the choice and control to change service providers, or have more than one single service provider, and therefore the right to change or terminate the delivery of services at their own discretion.

NQ Enable is a Registered Provider of Supports under the National Disability Insurance Scheme.

Withdrawal or Termination of an Individual Service Agreement is not the same as cancellation of the delivery of services. Cancellation of service delivery by either party only occurs when there is a change of circumstances that affects either party and is not permanent. Withdrawal or Termination of services is considered permanent.

Complaints and Disputes

The Intention of this policy is to ensure that people using the Service and or their Representative/Nominees have the right to raise and have resolved any complaint or dispute in relation to the services they receive. Such complaints will be dealt with promptly, fairly, confidentially, and with no adverse repercussions for the individual initiating the procedure.

  • NQ Enable encourages the raising of complaints by Participants and/or their Representative/Nominee regarding any areas of dissatisfaction with the service provided.

  • NQ Enable supports the management of complaints in a way that Participants and/or their Representative/Nominee will have no fear of retributive action when raising complaints.

  • NQ Enable will provide a system for raising complaints in a way that is accessible and transparent for all stakeholders.

  • Participants will be provided with the opportunity to have access to an independent person of their choice to assist them through a complaint process.

  • The resolution of complaints will be completed in a timely manner and in accordance with current policies and procedures.

  • NQ Enable will have a process for including issues raised during complaints for improvements within the Service and, if indicated, included on the Continuous Improvement Register.

  • All complaints and their resolutions will be recorded in the Complaints Register and complaints/resolutions will be reported to the Management Team through the Service Manager’sReport.

My Service: Features

NQ Enable


PO Box 537
Garbutt East
Q 4814



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0488 778 042

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